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International Sales Derby

Client: 3M Health, Infection Prevention Division
An animated dashboard that injects adrenaline to a sales incentive challenge.

International Sales Derby

Client: 3M Health, Infection Prevention Division
An animated dashboard that injects adrenaline to a sales incentive challenge.
  • Secure, responsive MEAN-stack enterprise single-page application (SPA).
  • Excel .xlsx file upload functionality allows client to easily update data without tech knowledge (admin logins only).
  • Delivered well under budget, exceeded client expectations, praised for "Apple-like design" and intuitive UX
  • Selected as one of top 4 student projects at Prime Digital Academy, successfully demoed to live audience of 150+ at the Nerdery's weekly Bottlecap meeting
  • Full compatibility / QA testing on IE10 and Windows 7 using VirtualBox
Technologies: MEAN-Stack (MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, Node.js), RESTful API design & consumption, Bootstrap, Passport.js, Jade, Sass, bcrypt, xlsx-to-json, multer



Capstone Project, Johns Hopkins Data Science
Predictive-text web app intended to work on minimal spec mobile devices.


Capstone Project, Johns Hopkins Data Science
Predictive-text web app intended to work on minimal spec mobile devices.
  • Built from big data (over 4 million lines of messy webscraped text from Twitter and others)
  • Competitive rates of next-word prediction accuracy (15%)
  • < 2 seconds response time
  • Memory footprint < 10 MB
Final Presentation
Data Visualizations
Technologies: R, Shiny, Amazon Web Services Elastic Cloud (EC2) virtual machines, Regex



Client: 3M Health, Infection Prevention Division
A modified version was used by 3M IPD for 2014 International $1 Billion Sales Challenge (demo version uses open World Bank data).


Client: 3M Health, Infection Prevention Division
A modified version was used by 3M IPD for 2014 International $1 Billion Sales Challenge (demo version uses open World Bank data).
Technologies: R, Shiny, Google Maps API, Regex